Page 27 - Issue 16
P. 27
When the people were forced to leave their
homeland, they knew how to carry the homeland
with them, in the heart of everyone from Israel
and every individual would protect it with his body
and soul until we returned to it, at this time.
With the same heroism with which we knew how
to bear the sword and spear, with the same
heroism with which we knew how to pass through
fire to save the spirit of Israel, our spiritual
homeland, with that same heroism we knew how
to again hold the spade and the thresher and
return life to the ruined homeland. And we, the
first generation of the redemption, know and will
know, how to hold the sword which the sword of
the enemy shall shatter.
Few against many they were, the Maccabees, few
against many our fathers stood in all the
generations to protect Israel and we were able to
do so. And wearing ephods with this eternal
heroism of a people aspiring to freedom,
intransigent and without surrender, we will also
know now how to stand a few against many and
we will arise and we will overcome.
There is one heroism in all the generations. It has
not ceased and it shall not cease. It has been
beating in our hearts since the Maccabees and
until today. Each generation and its heroes, each
generation and its Maccabees, in our generation -
we are the Maccabees.