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Together with Yitzhak Zuckerman, Mordechai
Tennenbaum edited Yediot, the journal of the
YEDIOT Dror movement in the Warsaw ghetto.
January 1-10: HDNA Mifgash program – North American
ma’apilim (bogrim) came to Israel for a 10-day Habonim Dror
seminar. There were three primary focuses of the seminar:
reexamining Zionism and Jewish peoplehood, striving for peace in
times of war, and exploring the role of the youth movement in
shaping a new reality. Eighteen participants, including all four
mazkirut members, came on the seminar. For most participants,
this was the first time back in Israel since Workshop (shnat), and
for all participants Mifgash was a meaningful and inspiring
opportunity to be chanichim again in Israel.
Mifgash 2009 participants
enjoying peulot outdoors on
Kibbutz Ein Dor
Early February: Arrival of shnatties from South Africa,
Australia, and New Zealand, as well as Uruguay,
Argentina, and Brazil! We welcome the new shnatties and
wish them a meaningful, life-shaping, creative, and fun
year-long process!
Australian Shnat 2009 chanichim, upon
arrival at the airport last week
February 9: Tu Bishvat - Are you having a Tu Bishvat Seder in your ken? Please send us a
report and some photos.
February 15-18: HDOZ Bog Tour – Bogrim from Australia and New Zealand will be taking part
in a four-day Habonim Dror seminar in Israel.
February 20-24: Kenes Mazkirim – Mazkirut members from almost every Habonim Dror
country will come together for a five-day seminar in Israel, focusing on Jewish community and
movement leadership. Participants bridge all language and culture barriers to form new
relationships and partnerships at the Kenes Mazkirim seminar.
February 25 – March 1: Chazon HDOZ seminar – The new Australian mazkirut will take part in
a five-day seminar to build their tzevet and their vision for the coming year. Although Chazon
seminars have occurred in the past for Holland, North America, and the U.K., this will be
the first time that Australia will take part in a Chazon seminar.