Editorial January 2024

Dear Habonim Dror,

Our news cycle is built around sensationalizing, shocking our senses - look over here! See these graphic photos of human suffering! And then, once we dull our senses, become desensitized, our attention is redirected to a newer suffering, new unfathomable numbers and recurring videos of destruction.

I saw a post this week that said, “The world celebrates the new year but in Israel it’s October 86th.” The world media are less present here but the pain, the grieving and destruction persist. During the last two months I’ve been leading evacuated chanichimot from Sderot; trauma and fear loom thickly in the air. I’m trying to hold this at the same time as we gear up for Tu B’Shvat, Judaism’s celebration of growth. How can we grow when we are broken? How can life keep moving as war rages?

I have been comforted and inspired by photos and stories of Habonim Dror activity around the world. Seeing chanichimot gather, embrace, and dance seems to hold the balance between pain and growth. May we keep meeting, holding all that we feel and hoping for new growth toward the world we dream of.

Aleh v’hagshem,