HDNA Kenim Increase the Light

Mosh Ken (DC) - by Dalya Block

The Hanukkah Sleepover was a blast! Moshniks gathered at Tifereth Israel Congregation for a magical evening of bringing light into each other's lives. We lit hanukkah candles (night three!), lifted our voices in song, and basked in the warmth of friendship.

Some of us enjoyed a riveting game of dreidel, while others sampled a variety of board games. We pillow talked and woke up to the sweet sound of the Maccabeats.

These ken events are a great way to stay connected to our community throughout the year. By observing jewish holidays, we honor our culture. Stories and songs shine the light of awareness on where we come from. 

To all who joined, thank you for spinning with us!


Galil Ken (Philadelphia) - Koby Epstein


This past month in the Philly Ken, The Ken Mazkirut ran an in-person peula for our pre-MBIers about the events of October 7th, and choosing to engage in conversations of peace and not hate. We wanted to give the chanichim an opportunity to speak freely and express their inner emotions regarding the war. 

On Dec 16, The Philly Ken hosted our annual Chanukah Sleepover! We were fortunate enough to have the event space at the Jewish Museum of Philadelphia. The theme of the Sleepover was Jewish Bravery. There was both fun Chanukah related programming as well as serious Israel related programming and asking the chanichim to examine and ponder their Jewish identities. Everyone had a blast and the chanichim had a great time checking out the museum and exploring what it means to hagshamize on Jewish Bravery.